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Lion King Legacy Collection

While it is hard to argue with the ecology lesson behind 'Circle of Life' or the impossibly infectious rumba of 'Hakuna Matata,' the true heart of the original soundtrack release of Disney's The Lion King was the 17 minutes it included of 's inspiring and majestic score, divided into four brief segments ('This Land,' '.to Die For,' 'Under the Stars,' and 'King of Pride Rock'). Unfortunately, this special edition reissue of the album does not add any additional portions of the score, opting for an unreleased song, 'The Morning Report' (sung by Jeff Bennett, James Earl Jones, and Evan Saucedo) and yet another remix of 's 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight,' this time with added percussion. These two additions are nothing special, and certainly not enough to merit buying The Lion King soundtrack a second time. Disney missed an opportunity here.

Anyone familiar with Hans Zimmer’s earlier scores for Green Card and Rain Man will rediscover some brilliant variations on themes done for Lion King. What was previously heard only in the context of the film (softened and flat) finally roars forth mighty and proud on disc one.But be prepared to hold on to the old soundtrack for the kids.

Lion King Legacy Collection Mp3

This new one is strictly for adults. Many of the tracks are dark and, almost all are heavy.

Taken out of the context of this being music for an animated film, and the raw score is as intense as anything Zimmer ever composed for Michael Bay or Tony Scott. On the second disc, you get all of the score demo editions, before they got their final orchestrations matched to the film.

These tracks are surprisingly as epic as the final score, and give further appreciation to the work. There’s a stunning instrumental demo of Circle of Life accompanying this section that also shines a spotlight on the vocal arrangements of Hans Zimmer’s background vocalists and musicians.

The Lion King Legacy Collection Youtube

Powerful stuff.Completing the collection for soundtrack purists, are remastered pop arrangements recorded by Elton John, as well as The Morning Report (a track added back into the Special Edition rerelease) and Warthog Rhapsody (the original Timon and Pumba duet, which was scrapped in favor of Hakuna Matata).As of this post, the release is already sold out from its direct Disney Store listing, but you can purchase it from LA’s one and only Amobea Music.